Pitchblack Playback: Hans Zimmer 'Interstellar' listening session in the dark

12 Feb, 8:30 - 11pm @ We The Curious [ Health & Wellbeing , Live Music ]

LATECOMERS WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. Please arrive by event start time to avoid being refused entry.
Immerse yourself in the newly-reworked version of one the greatest film soundtracks of all time at our album listening session in the dark on fully reclinable seats in We The Curious' Planetarium. Hear this immense recording in all its power and detail, played loud in uncompressed audio the venue's immersive sound system . No distractions; just you and the music.

"This sounds great” — Rick Rubin "A fabulous idea" — Jay Kay, Jamiroquai "The optimal way to listen to an album" - Max Richter "I have an out-of-body experience every time I go" — Jonny, artist manager

This is a (seated) album listening session in the dark, not a live performance of any kind. Your ticket price includes a Pitchblack Playback recycled polyester eye mask (yours to keep) which we give you as we have to keep the fire exit lights on. 

Seating is unallocated. 

Please do not talk or sing at our events or use your phone.

You do not need to print this order confirmation out. Your name will be on our guestlist on the night. Make sure you know which session time you have booked for. Tickets are not refundable.
Album duration: 139 minutes (there will be a 10-minute interval between the two discs)