The We Get It Weekly Get Together

1 Mar, 10 - 11:30am @ The Walcot [ Health & Wellbeing , Talks, Meetups & Workshops ]

The We Get It Weekly Get Together
For many people, a cancer diagnosis can makes them feel isolated, particularly if there is no one in their close family or circle of friends going through the same thing. 

Join us at our weekly Get Togethers and connect with people who know and understand what you are going through. This is a safe space for you to talk about your concerns and challenges, without worrying about upsetting your loved ones.

Angry, upbeat, anxious, however you are feeling and whatever you need to express or ask, we’re here.

First timer? There are lots of us dealing with cancer in Bath – so let’s do it together. We’re a friendly, hopeful and, let’s face it, pretty cool group of people who get what you’re going through. Join us every Friday, at Walcot House, Bath.

No need to book, just drop in. You’ll find us in the private dining room at the back of the ground floor of Walcot House. There is someone from our team wearing a We Get It t-shirt every week, so you’ll know you’re in the right place. 
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