A Funeral For Nature

20 Apr, 2 - 3pm @ City of Bath [ Environment & Social Causes , Outdoor & Nature , Theatre ]

A Funeral For Nature
Around the world, biodiversity is being annihilated at a terrifying rate. We are entering the ‘sixth mass extinction’ event and the consequences could be catastrophic if we do not act swiftly. In spite of promises from governments, biodiversity loss shows no sign of slowing. The future of our planet is at stake.

We are inviting you to take part in a mock-funeral for nature procession through the streets of Bath to help raise awareness and make change happen, especially for the UK, which is now ‘one of the most nature-depleted countries on earth’.

This is being coordinated with the Red Rebel brigade to create an extraordinary visual spectacle of a type and size never attempted before.

The route:  procession begins at 2pm from the Percy Centre on New King Street, Bath BA1 2BN and will pass via the Circus and Bath’s main thoroughfare Milsom Street ending in front of the Abbey where Chris Packham will give his Eulogy. Chris Packham, landscape designer Huw Morgan, artist Anna Gillespie and an Extinction Rebellion representative will be available for interviews.

Performers, Hosts & Artists

Chris Packham
Frome Independent 0724