We invite you to join us deep in the springtime woods amongst the bluebells, hawthorn and wild garlic as we honour and work with the joyful energies of Beltane. Come together with us as community, as we take a moment to stand on the threshold of summer in awe of the abundant beauty of Nature and revel in the return of warmer, longer days. Come work with the fertile energy during this glorious fire festival as we grow and explore our soul connections to the magic of the natural world.
We will meet at Stowford Manor to gently make our way up into the woods where we will join in circle around Fire and create Sacred Space together. There will be opportunities for us to pause and reflect, to find balance, to reconnect with ourselves and the land, to honour and hold gentle ritual, to cleanse our souls and our spirits, to rejoice, to offer blessings and gratitude and to nurture and grow our intentions.
We will sit around Fire, hold gentle ritual, meditation and mindful crafting and enjoy a lunch full of the goodness of early summer. We will make flower crowns to honour the Goddess, the May Queen, as she stands in her sovereignty within us all. Wearing our crowns, we will come down through the vibrant green of the woods and alongside the river pastures to the steps of the weir. Here we will hold gentle ritual before a toe splash, up-to-the-knees, wade around, shoulders under or even a swim if you fancy! Our day will close as we sit in circle, sharing, reflecting, with tea and perhaps a little more cake!
If you haven't been wild swimming before or you would like to build your confidence up a little more first, you can book a one to one with Tara@wildswimmingwoman or join one of her Dip Your Toe in events which was how Meredithe started wild swimming!