ReBalance Bath Festival - Winter Tree Identification in Bath's Botanical Gardens

26 Jan, 11am - 12:30pm @ Royal Victoria Park [ Health & Wellbeing , Outdoor & Nature ]

Winter Trees - ReBalance Festival

Viewing Bath’s urban trees during the Winter brings a new perspective – revealing the tree’s branch structure and shape and we can take the opportunity to get a good close look at the bark.

Tree identification at this time of year is harder than in the Spring and Summer, so your walk leader, Antonia Johnson, will guide you round some of the Botanical Garden’s best trees showing you what to look out for.

It would be useful to bring a hand lens/magnifying glass if you have one.

The walk will last up to 90 minutes, but might be a little shorter depending on the weather. The walk will be a stroll round the Park, it’s relatively flat and mainly paved, though we’ll leave the path to get closer to the trees.

This walk is free and is part of Bath’s Festival of Wellbeing and is led by Bath Urban Treescape – visit the website to find their fabulous self-guided tree trails.

This is the precise meeting point

Frome Independent 0724