This powerful, laugh-out-loud funny yet poignant play, directed by Polly Whitfield and created by playwright Duncan MacMillan, raises awareness around mental health issues such as depression and suicide, yet addresses these in such a gentle way to highlight the irrepressible resilience of the human spirit. The play explores humanity and human kindness, perhaps at a time when it seems sometimes in short supply. The performance is 75 minutes, no interval.
Philip Robinson and LIVING ROOM THEATRE previous production was All Is Mended: a repurposing of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” setting it in a care home to tell the real-life stories of elders in some of Devon’s care homes during the Covid pandemic.
EVERY BRILLIANT THING has been touring for the last 18 months, in theatres and arts centres, village halls, gardens, health conferences and in living rooms too. This is your last to catch it before the production heads to mainland Europe & Scandinavia, and west to the USA. It is a one-person play like no other, come and be wowed.
Content Guidance: The story contains possible triggering and sensitive material. Mental health issues like depression and coping with the suicide of a loved one are at times part of the narrative.
Tickets - £12 (Or Pay What You Can)
Bar available throughout the evening.