Bath Spa University Dance at Rockaway Park: Dancing With Strangers

1 Dec, 6 - 10pm @ Rockaway Park [ Theatre ]

This exciting performance will be rehearsed and performed at Rockaway, using our unique spaces to create new dance work! Enter a world where time seems to have stood still in a once-thriving town now lost in the shadows of obscurity. In this secluded enclave, dance, music, and rituals have become the very lifeblood of the remaining residents. Navigate through their world, and peel back the layers of secrecy to uncover the stories that bind these individuals together. Each story is a thread of their shared history, capturing the essence of a forgotten community that has weathered the storms of time and clung tenaciously to their belief systems and treasured traditions. Dancing with Strangers delves into the fundamental human need for belonging and the lengths people will go to protect their own reality. 

A 20-strong cast illuminate Rockaway Park in a whirlwind of dance, music, and absurdity with this exciting collaboration between TrashDollys and Bath Spa University Second Year Dance students. 

Doors open at 6pm and the performance starts at 7pm. The Vegan Cafe will be open and serving delicious home-made snacks, plus there's a bar.