"Bringing the sacred into everyday" with Dan Knowlson

7 May, 7:30 - 9:30pm @ Little Rituals [ Talks, Meetups & Workshops , Spiritual ]

Bringing the sacred into everyday
In a world often consumed by busyness and distractions, this event offers a sanctuary for reflection, connection, and spiritual awakening. Through ritual, story and contemplative practice, Dan Knowlson will help us to infuse our daily lives with more intention, mindfulness, and reverence. You'll discover the transformative power of simple rituals, embrace the sacredness of everyday moments, and unlock a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the world around you.

Dan has been on an unfolding exploration of personal healing and growth for more than two decades. Working with cacao since 2010, he makes award-winning raw chocolate, teaches workshops, holds regular cacao & fire ceremonies, and collaborates with musicians and healers. He founded Cacao Mastery in 2020 where he teaches and mentors people around the world to step fully into the role of ceremonial leader, through the path of their heart.

Join us for Bringing the sacred into everyday and embark on a journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Ceremony and ritual are the guiding lights that illuminate the sacred spaces within us. They have the power to transform the mundane into the extraordinary, the ordinary into the extraordinary. In the intentional repetition of sacred acts, we awaken the deepest parts of ourselves, connecting with the timeless wisdom that resides within. Emma Palmer
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