"Wisdom of the Herd" with Nina Leijerstam from Track Clinic

2 Apr, 7:30 - 9:30pm @ Little Rituals [ Health & Wellbeing , Spiritual ]

Wisdom of the Herd
Horses are masters of flow; living in harmony for the benefit of the collective and in deep authentic connection with each other. No wonder they’ve survived as a species for over 55 million years. They have so much to teach us about our own flow states and emotional intelligence and represent so many aspects of our psychological, physiological and spiritual needs. Whilst horses aren’t the first kind of therapist we’d call to mind, they have long established experience in working therapeutically with people and an increasingly impressive evidence base proving their positive impact on mental health, emotional and behavioural change, and overall wellbeing.

To explore this equine wisdom, we welcome Nina Leijerstam, Equine Assisted Coach and Founder of Track Clinic. Track Clinic is a local social enterprise founded to help people live more consciously; with deeper awareness of our interconnection and attuned to the healing insights of animals and the natural world. Nina will have you captivated with stories about how the horses have transformed lives and will invite you to try a series of intuitive experiential exercises revealing your ability to relate to your own collective - in body, mind and soul - just like horses. Sadly no horses will be attending this event but there will be plenty of pictures of them in action. For those interested in finding out more, we'll be organising a Wisdom Space trip to visit Track Clinic to experience the wisdom of the herd in person.

In their eyes, we find solace and our troubles melt away; in their presence, we find sanctuary and our spirits soar.” Patricia Atchison, The Power of Horses
Hartley 0924