Behind the Scenes Tours with Head Gardner Steve Lannin: inc Walled Garden visit

Next: 25 Apr, 10 - 11:30am @ Iford Manor Gardens [ Talks, Meetups & Workshops , Outdoor & Nature ]


Go 'behind the scenes' (including our private walled garden) and discover more about the work that goes on here at Iford as we maintain & develop both the main and walled gardens.

Find out more about this and top tips for your garden at home on this tour with our Head Gardener Steve Lannin. Finish up in the cafe with a cup of tea or coffee, included in the price.

Note that the visit includes steep, uneven terrain and steps. All day garden entry and a cup of tea/ coffee are included in the price.

10:00 - tour starts (before the main garden is opened to the general public at 11am) 11:15 - tour finishes in Iford Manor Cafe where you can partake in a hot drink

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