Henry Moore: Works on Paper

14 Jun - 27 Jul @ David Simon Contemporary [ Art & Design ]

Henry Moore

Widely acknowledged as the greatest sculptor of his time and one of the most significant figures in 20th century art, Moore started printmaking in 1931, and in 1958 met the master lithographer Stanley Jones at the Curwen Press with whom he continued to make prints until the end of his life in 1986. Many of his etchings were published by the Swiss art dealer and publisher, Gerard Cramer, whom he met in 1961. Cramer and Moore went on to work together for over 25 years.

Here we have a selection of both etchings and lithographs, covering a variety of subjects. All works are signed, framed and most of them can also be found in the permanant collection of the Tate Gallery and, of course, the Henry Moore Foundation.

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Henry Moore

TobFac 0724