Oriri Wellness Retreat

15 Mar, 11am - 4pm @ Arts Mansion, Ashton Court [ Talks, Meetups & Workshops , Social & Fun , Health & Wellbeing ]


Emerge into the day with a morning stretch and a somatic movement workshop followed by moments of reflection with journaling and meditation.

Enjoy a delicious lunch followed by an energising african drumming session and a creative mindfulness workshop to explore creative expression and play. Settle into your body in the afternoon with a restorative yoga class and enjoy a moment of stillness as you’re soothed in a sound bath snuggled up with blankets and cushions.

The day will draw to an end with a closing circle surrounded by candlelight for final journal reflections. There are 850 acres of rolling hills and woodlands overlooking the sparkling cityscape if you wish to enjoy a stroll or savour a cup of tea outside at any time during the day.

All activities are optional and you are welcome to dip in and out of them as you wish. Whether you need community or solitude you can find both at Oriri.

Standard Ticket: £99 book via https://oririretreats.co.uk/etn/creative-wellness-and-movement-day-retreat-bristol/


Flyer information for Oriri Wellness Retreat