Commissioning Terms & Conditions

All commissions for nearfield magazine are subject to the following terms and conditions. If you accept the commission, you thereby accept these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions accompany all commissions made by Do Good Things Ltd in respect of the publication known as nearfield magazine (hereafter known as ‘the Company’).

1 - FEES
The fees are inclusive of all costs and expenses incurred by the contributor unless otherwise agreed.  The contributor will provide evidence of expenses to the Company on request.

All fees will include VAT charges where applicable unless otherwise agreed.

Invoices must be made out to Simon Tapscott at Do Good Things Ltd, and emailed to

No payment will be made until after the acceptance of the Material as fit for publication and the submission of a proper invoice by the contributor to the Company.

Invoices must be raised within one month of the publication date.  Invoices submitted any later than this date will be rejected.

Payment will be made at the end of the month following month of receipt, unless otherwise agreed.

The Company is not obliged to publish material submitted to it. Material submitted in accordance with the commission will be paid for in full whether or not it is published.

However, material:
(a) Which is not, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, of a publishable standard or
(b) Which is not in accordance with the terms of the commission or
(c) Which is late, or otherwise fails to fulfil the requirements of the contract, will not be paid for as a matter of contract. In certain terms ex-gratia payments will be considered.

All rights are conferred on Do Good Things Ltd, the publisher of nearfield magazine.

You, the contributor, grant the Company all rights to the commission, but retain copyright of the commission.

The Company shall have the right to use the Material for advertising and publicity purposes in any medium for the purpose of promoting the publication in accordance with this Agreement.

“All rights” means an assignment of the entire worldwide rights in respect of the Material and for the full period of copyright therein, and all renewals and extensions thereof and all rights of a like nature wherever subsisting.

Where the Company has a “syndication licence” it may exercise the above syndication rights on a non-exclusive basis. The Company may itself re-use the Material with no onward obligation to the Supplier.

“First English Language rights” shall mean the right to reproduce the Material for the first time and publish it in an English Language publication on one occasion only.

“Exclusivity” means the Supplier guarantees exclusive use in accordance with these terms for the duration of the publication’s first on-sale or availability dates and for 12 months beyond.

The Supplier warrants that he/she is fully authorised to confer the rights covered by this Agreement.

All of the material created by the Supplier as a result of this commission shall be the subject of the rights granted to the Company, and not just the material the Company chooses to publish. All material produced shall be delivered to the Company on request, at the expense of the Supplier.

The Company shall have the right in all circumstances to use the Material on any digital or online platform, including social media.

The Supplier shall be entitled to a credit in the publication for his/her Material.

Where the Company is contracted to produce a publication for another publisher, it is hereby authorised to grant a license or assignment to that publisher of such rights as the Company has under this agreement.

Please address any questions relating to commissioning in nearfield magazine to