If you are interested in contributing to a better society or healthier planet, search for events here.
Environment & Social Causes
Upcoming Events
Interactive Nature Trail
@ Dorothy House Hospice
| Bradford-on-Avon
19 May - 31 May
American Museum Unforgettable Behaviour
@ The American Museum
| Bath
28 Sep - 31 Dec
Vespertine Talks & Supper Club
@ Glove Factory Studios
| Bradford-on-Avon
31 Dec, 7 - 7pm
Russell Howard & Friends
@ Komedia
| Bath
12 Jan, 7 - 7pm
How British Imperialism Has Shaped the Globe
@ St George's Bristol
| Bristol
23 Jan, 7:30 - 9pm
Robin Ince And Friends for Julian House
@ Komedia
| Bath
25 Jan, 7:30 - 10pm